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Algorithm of diagnosis and treatment of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome and tic disorder, adapted for the Republic of Moldova: a review
In the last years the high prevalence of the tic disorder and Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS) was confirmed. The available therapies can temporarily suppress the tics, but not eliminate them definitively, that implies a strict individual assessment of the risks and benefits for every patient. The recent scientific studies confirmed the efficiency of some diagnostic and therapeutic options, and infirmed the other ones. Thus, a qualitative analysis and adjustment of the recommendations to the actual conditions and possibilities of the Republic of Moldova (RM) is required.
Protective effect of arginine glutamate (glutargin) in chronic pancreatitis induced by nitric oxide synthase blocker
Olena Krylova1*, Anatoliy Rudenko2
Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous molecule that is a biological mediator that carries out important regulation of physiological processes necessary for the functioning of tissues. We hypothesized that nonspecific inhibition of all isoforms of NOs would cause pancreatic damage and created a model of experimental pancreatitis based on NOs inhibition. Along with the study of the mechanisms of development of chronic pancreatitis, the search for medicines to treat and inhibit the progression of this disease continues.
Oral lichen planus – an oral potentially malignant disorder (OPMD) of the oral cavity
Irina Ivasiuc1*, Eugen Melnic2, Daniela-Elena Costea3,4, Diana Uncuța1
The article discusses oral lichen planus (OLP), a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology characterized by recurrent lesions on the oral mucosa. Despite its prevalence, the exact causes and pathogenesis of OLP are not well understood, and current treatments often yield unsatisfactory results with potential adverse effects.