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Treatment of deep carious lesions with mineral trioxide aggregate: clinical case report
Diana Trifan*, Diana Uncuța
Deep carious lesions are a dental disease widely spread among population of all ages. From clinical point of view, they have little symptoms and go unnoticed by the patients a long time, until they provoke dental pulp inflammations. If diagnosed and treated properly, the tooth can be treated conservatively with certain techniques of pulp vitality preservation. An important role in this process plays the innate capacity of regeneration of the pulp-dentine complex and the enhanced stimulating properties of new biomaterials used in dentistry. The aim of this clinical case report is to describe the clinical manifestations and the diagnostic algorithm used in deep caries and to establish a clinical guideline of treatment of deep carious lesion with a calcium silicate hydraulic cement.
Single visit indirect pulp capping with Biodentine: clinical case report
Diana Trifan*, Diana Uncuța
The article discusses the treatment of dental caries using indirect pulp capping, a technique aimed at preserving the tooth's vitality. It presents a clinical case of a permanent upper molar with a deep carious lesion treated with Biodentine, a bioactive dental material. The patient experienced a reduction in sensitivity shortly after treatment, and follow-up assessments at 3 and 6 months showed no signs of pulp inflammation.