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Volum 10, Issue 3
September 2023
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opened journal
Volum 10, Issue 3
September 2023
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Deep carious lesions are a dental disease widely spread among population of all ages. From clinical point of view, they have little symptoms and go unnoticed by the patients a long time, until they provoke dental pulp inflammations. If diagnosed and treated properly, the tooth can be treated conservatively with certain techniques of pulp vitality preservation. An important role in this process plays the innate capacity of regeneration of the pulp-dentine complex and the enhanced stimulating properties of new biomaterials used in dentistry. The aim of this clinical case report is to describe the clinical manifestations and the diagnostic algorithm used in deep caries and to establish a clinical guideline of treatment of deep carious lesion with a calcium silicate hydraulic cement.

Materials and methods

Description of clinical case of a permanent tooth with a deep carious lesion, treated by indirect pulp capping with mineral trioxide aggregate cement. Clinical and paraclinical methods of investigations were used, the patient was evaluated after 6 and 12 months after the received treatment.


The sensitivity to cold stimuli presented by the patient before the treatment attenuated shortly after he received dental care. After 6 and 12 months, the tooth is asymptomatic, the clinical findings and paraclinical parameters show no evidence of pulp inflammation. 

Conclusions. Mineral trioxide aggregate showed long term successful results when used as a biomaterial for vital pulp therapy.

Key Messages

What is not yet known on the issue addressed in the submitted manuscript

Vital pulp therapy in carious teeth is still a controversial topic regarding in conservative dentistry. It has shown very high rates of success in non-carious dental pulp exposures. However, it remains to be established what the long-term success rates are for cases of deep carious lesions.

The research hypothesis 

The cariously exposed dental pulp requires an enhanced treatment protocol in order to ensure the preservation of pulp vitality.

The novelty added by the manuscript to the scientific literature

A case of a deep carious lesion in a permanent tooth is presented, along with its clinical and paraclinical manifestations, as well as the enhanced treatment algorithm with mineral trioxide aggregate.


Vital pulp therapy (VPT) is defined as an ultra-conservative treatment that aims to preserve and maintain pulp tissue in a healthy state that has been compromised but not destroyed by caries, trauma, or restorative procedures [1]. Based on the level of pulp preservation, VPT includes stepwise excavation, indirect pulp capping, direct pulp capping, miniature pulpotomy, partial pulpotomy (Cvek) and complete coronal pulpotomy [2]. In our case report, we used the technique of direct pulp capping, a method that involves placing a bioactive dental material directly on an exposed pulp with the aim of stimulating the reparative function of the pulp-dentine complex.

In deep carious lesions, the bacteria present in the infected dentine initiate a reversible inflammatory process in the pulp. However, if the aggression is removed and proper conditions are established, the vital pulp-dentine complex has a high potential for self-repair [3]. This is due to the complex mechanisms that are initiated once the removal of the infected dentine occurs, a process known as tertiary dentine formation. Tertiary dentine is divided into two different categories based on the events that precede its formation and the mechanism of formation. Reactionary dentine is a form of tertiary dentine secreted by odontoblast cells that have survived a mild stimulus. Reparative dentine, on the other hand, is tertiary dentine secreted by a new generation of odontoblast-like cells in response to a strong stimulus (traumatic or carious pulp exposure), after the death of the original odontoblasts responsible for the primary and physiological secondary dentine secretion [4].

According to scientific research, hydraulic calcium silicate cements have a substantial positive influence on pulp-dentine complex regeneration [5]. The mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) used in our case report (ProRoot MTA, Denstply) is categorized as a type 1 hydraulic calcium silicate cement [6]. MTA has the following positive properties: radiopacity, low solubility, and long-term stability; high biocompatibility; forms an excellent seal to prevent the ingress of bacteria; and promotes the formation of tertiary dentine by stimulating the production of growth factors and mediators in the injured pulp. However, MTA also has some drawbacks, such as a difficult handling technique, prolonged setting time, high cost, and tooth discoloration over time [7].

To achieve long-term success in the treatment of deep caries, the clinician needs to correctly assess the pulpal status at the beginning of the treatment and employ an enhanced treatment protocol. The proper diagnostic of the pulpal health status is crucial for the treatment’s outcome [8].

Clinically, there are two available methods of assessing pulp vitality, based on the presence or absence of sensitivity to cold or electrical stimuli, with their combination leading to better precision. Parameters indicating pulp health or reversible inflammation are mild to strong sensitivity or pain to cold stimuli that disappears once the stimulus is removed. Additionally, values of electrical tests are as follows: for the incisors and canines group - from 2 to 9 μA, for the premolars group - from 6 to 15 μA, and for the molars group - from 8 to 18 μA. In the case of deep carious lesions in the molar group, values of electrical tests can increase to as much as 25-27 μA [9].

For paraclinical assessment of the dental caries, X-ray diagnostic methods are most commonly used, especially periapical, bitewing, and orthopantomography [10]. The radiological signs for deep carious lesions are:

  • the presence of extensive radiolucency in the tooth of interest that has no communication with the pulp chamber;

  • a preexisting faulty filling with underlying radiolucency, indicating the presence of secondary caries;

  • no pathological periapical findings.

Once the diagnosis of a deep carious lesion with a vital pulp is established, the treatment requires an enhanced protocol because severe microbial contamination is expected when the necrotic tissue is removed. The enhanced protocol includes: selective carious tissue removal guided by optical magnification, disinfection of the resulted cavity with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite, and application of a hydraulic calcium silicate cement to the bottom of the cavity [11].

Materials and methods

This article reports a clinical case study of a 30-year-old male who sought dental care with the chief complaint of mild sensitivity to cold and sweet stimuli in the upper right quadrant. The patient was evaluated from clinical and paraclinical perspectives. The following tests were conducted: dental probing, axial percussion, cold and electrical sensitivity tests to assess pulp vitality, and orthopantomography.


Clinical examination revealed a deep carious cavity in tooth 17 with a displaced preexisting filling. Dental probing did not elicit any pain; the dentine had a soft consistency, and axial percussion was negative. For cold testing, a cotton pellet soaked in Endo-Frost spray was used, and the response indicated a vital pulp. Additionally, electrical pulp testing was performed with a DigiTest device, recording a value of 18 µA. On the orthopantomography, an extended radiolucency without communication with the pulp chamber was detected in tooth 17, along with a displaced radiopaque filling. No pathological periapical findings were observed. The diagnosis of a deep carious lesion, classified as class I cavity by Black, was established.

Following the principles of minimal invasive dentistry, a direct pulp capping procedure was performed on tooth 17 in a single visit, which involved the following steps:

  1. Local anesthesia with Septanest 1:100.00;

  2. Isolation of the working field using a rubber dam;

  3. Selective carious cavity preparation, resulting in a small pulp exposure;

  4. Cavity disinfection and hemostasis achieved with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite 5.25% for 10 sec.;

  5. Application of a thin layer of mineral trioxide aggregate on the bottom of the cavity;

  6. Application of an isolating layer of glass ionomer cement;

  7. Utilization of the total etch technique and V-th generation bonding;

  8. Application of a permanent restoration using light-curing composite.


This clinical case study describes the procedure of direct pulp capping, which involves the application of a thin layer of bioactive dental material over an exposed pulp. The exposure can occur due to traumatic injury or the removal of carious dentine. The procedure aims to maintain pulp vitality and stimulate the apposition of tertiary dentine. Studies have shown high success rates (92-97%) for MTA when used as a direct pulp capping agent [5]. This success is attributed to MTA’s physical and bioactive properties, which result in the formation of a tertiary dentine bridge: high sealing capacity, low solubility, alkaline pH, slow release of calcium ions, and stimulation of TGF-α and BMP growth factors.

Direct pulp capping in cariously exposed dental pulps remains one of the most controversial areas in dentistry because the exposure is considered to occur through an infected layer of dentine, and in some cases, the pulp can show initial signs of inflammation. According to Bjørndal, these cases require an enhanced protocol that includes the removal of only the infected carious tissue, the use of optical magnification, disinfection and hemostasis with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite, as well as the use of a hydraulic calcium silicate cement as a pulp capping agent [11]. This is precisely the protocol we employed in our clinical case study.

The patient was recalled at 6 and 12 months after the applied treatment in order to perform vitality tests and radiographically assess potential changes. Electrical and cold tests confirmed the vitality of the pulp, and on the radiograph, a uniform and continuous layer of newly created tertiary dentine was observed, with no periapical pathologies depicted. Our findings correlate with the study results of Smith et al. [4]. Direct pulp capping can be done if the patient is of the proper age (under 35 years) and good general health; in this case, the dental pulp still has a good ability to regenerate. After an enhanced protocol treatment, it can maintain its vitality and function, extending the shelf life of the tooth.


The direct pulp capping with MTA was considered successful as the chief complaint, which was sensitivity to cold and sweet stimuli, disappeared after the received treatment. Also, at the follow-up visits at 6 and 12 months, the cold tests indicated a vital pulp, the electrical pulp testing recorded values of 15 µA and 12 µA, respectively, indicating a positive dynamic, and no pathological periapical radiological modifications were depicted. In conclusion, we can say that MTA is an excellent pulp capping agent with a wide range of clinical uses, especially in VPT.

Competing interests

None declared.

Patient consent


Funding statement

The authors report no financial support.

Authors’ contributions

Both authors have equally contributed to the results presented in the paper and have approved the „ready for print” version of the manuscript.

Authors’ ORCID IDs

Diana Trifan – 

Diana Uncuța –


  1. Ghoddusi J, Forghani M, Parisay I. New approaches in vital pulp therapy in permanent teeth. Iran Endod J. 2014;9(1):15-22. 

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To minimize the potential systematic errors (bias) in the study, a meticulous search was conducted within databases to identify a maximum number of relevant publications for the study's purpose. Only studies that satisfy validity criteria were evaluated, rigorous exclusion criteria for articles under consideration were applied, and a comprehensive review was conducted of both positive outcome studies and those that did not highlight the treatment's benefits. If necessary, additional sources of information were consulted to clarify some concepts. Duplicate publications and articles that did not meet the purpose of the article and were not available for full viewing were excluded from the list of publications generated by the search engine. Results Following the data processing, as identified by the Google Search engine and from databases such as PubMed, Hinari, SpringerLink, National Center of Biotechnology Information, and Medline, in accordance with the search criteria, a total 475 articles on the topic of ozone therapy were found. After a primary analysis of the titles, 59 articles were eventually deemed relevant for the given synthesis. Upon repeated review of these sources, a final selection of 52 relevant publications was ultimately made in alignment with the intended purpose. The final bibliography of this work comprises 52 articles that have been considered representative of the materials published on the subject of this synthesis article. Publications, the content of which did not reflect the relevant topic, despite being selected by the search program, as well as articles that were not accessible for open viewing through the HINARI (Health Internet Work Access to Research Initiative) database or available in the scientific medical library of the Nicolae Testemițanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, were subsequently removed from the list. Although ozone is the most potent natural oxidant, capable of oxidizing a wide range of organic and inorganic substances, and has the potential for cytotoxicity, researchers believe that under controlled conditions, it possesses numerous therapeutic effects. Moreover, the reactivity to ozone can be effectively mitigated by the blood and cellular antioxidant system [1, 2, 15, 24-28]. Initially used as an empirical approach, oxygen-ozone therapy has now evolved to a stage where the majority of ozone's biological mechanisms of action have been extensively studied and elucidated, these findings being found within the fields of biochemistry, physiology, and pharmacology [18, 22, 25, 27-29]. Ozone is not a pharmaceutical medicine but rather a regulatory molecule capable of generating bioactive mediators. The effects of ozone have been demonstrated to be consistent, safe, and associated with minimal preventable side effects [2, 30]. Chronic oxidative stress, chronic inflammatory processes, and immune overactivation are present and highly detrimental in a wide variety of diseases. The effectiveness of ozone therapy is determined by moderate oxidative stress, resulting from the interaction of ozone with the biological components of the body, triggering an endogenous cascade of biochemical reactions [31]. Ozone can function as an oxidant either directly, when it dissolves in plasma and other biological fluids, immediately reacting with polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, cysteine-rich proteins, and carbohydrates; or indirectly, by generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lipid oxidation products (LOP) [25, 28, 32-37]. At the onset of ozone therapy, an endogenous cascade is triggered, releasing bioactive substances in response to transient and moderately induced oxidative stress by ozone ('oxidative eustress'). Ozone can easily induce this oxidative stress due to its plasma solubility. Reacting with polyunsaturated fatty acids and water, ozone forms ROS in human fluids and tissues. The main molecule among ROS is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) – a non-radical oxidant. Concurrently, ozone also gives rise to LOP – the lipoperoxide radical, hydroperoxides, malondialdehyde, isoprostanes, ozoneides, alkenes, and predominantly, 4-hydroxynonenal. ROS and LOP are the effector molecules responsible for modulating several biological and therapeutic effects in the body following ozone therapy [3, 8, 13, 27, 34, 37-39]. Having reacted with a number of biomolecules, ozone disappears, and hydrogen peroxide, the main molecule of ROS, and other mediators rapidly diffuse into cells, activating various metabolic pathways with numerous biological and therapeutic effects [3, 5, 27, 28, 35, 40]. Therefore, ROS and LOP are “biological messengers of ozone” and are responsible for the biological and therapeutic effects of ozone. ROSs are short-acting early messengers and are responsible for immediate biological effects, while LOPs are important late and long-term messengers [3, 5, 10, 13, 14, 17, 28, 36]. The formation of ROS in plasma occurs extremely quickly (less than a minute), accompanied by a moderate and transient decrease in the antioxidant capacity of the blood (from 5% to 25%). However, this antioxidant capacity returns to normal within 15-20 minutes [3, 9, 17, 28, 31, 40, 41]. Discussion Although not fully comprehended, the present article will delve into the mechanisms underlying the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, and analgesic effects of ozone. The antioxidative capacity is considered one of the key impacts of ozone therapy. Moderate oxidative stress induced by ozone within the therapeutic range (10-80 μg/mL), most commonly 30-45 μg/mL (the 'physiological' dose of ozone), physiologically effective and recommended levels for systemic application, elicits controlled low doses of ROS acting primarily as signaling molecules, thereby stimulating the formation of LOP. ROS triggers the activation of nuclear erythroid factor 2 (Nrf2), well known as a pivotal regulator of manifold cytoprotective responses, responsible for upregulating antioxidant enzyme activity. In response to transient, moderate oxidative stress, the levels of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione S-transferase, catalase, and heme oxygenase-1 increase. Thus, moderate, transient, and repetitive oxidative stress causes an intense modulation of antioxidants in the body. A multitude of cells across various organs upregulate the synthesis of antioxidants, which are capable of significantly countering excessive ROS, thereby alleviating chronic oxidative stress, which is present and extremely harmful in a variety of diseases Consequently, ozone, either through oxidative preconditioning or adaptation to chronic oxidative stress, safeguards tissue integrity against ROS-induced damage, fostering a balance between antioxidant and pro-oxidant factors while preserving cellular redox balance [27, 30, 41-45]. Nrf2 and nuclear factor kappa Β (NF-κB) represent the primary signaling pathways through which ozone exerts its effects. Nrf2 activation regulates cell defense and maintains cellular homeostasis [36]. Furthermore, ozone therapy fosters adaptation to oxidative stress by gently triggering the immune system, releasing growth factors, and/or activating metabolic pathways that contribute to maintaining redox balance [38]. By activating Nrf2, LOP induces oxidative stress proteins, including heme-oxygenase-1 (HO-1), another inhibitor of the NF-κB pathway and one of the most crucial antioxidant defense enzymes. Through inhibiting the high expression level of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), it contributes to reducing the production of proinflammatory cytokines, directly activating anti-inflammatory cytokines, enhancing antioxidant protection, and consequently, safeguarding cellular integrity [8, 28, 30, 44-46]. Thus, ozone mimics acute oxidative stress which, when properly balanced, is not harmful, but can trigger several beneficial biochemical mechanisms. It can reactivate the intra- and extracellular antioxidant system, thereby reversing chronic oxidative stress in various inflammatory, degenerative processes, etc. During ozone treatment, cells throughout the body receive gradual and subtle impulses of LOP, significant long-term messengers that play a crucial role in up-regulating antioxidant enzymes in multiple cell types while rebalancing the oxidant/antioxidant system [46, 47]. Vascular and Hematological Modulation. Ozone serves as a catalyst for transmembrane oxygen flow. The increase in cellular oxygen levels resulting from ozone therapy enhances the efficiency of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Moreover, ozone amplifies the production of prostacyclin, a widely acknowledged vasodilator [2, 6, 8, 26]. The effects of ozone on oxygen metabolism can be explained by promoting (1) changes in the rheological properties of blood (reversal of erythrocyte aggregation, increased flexibility and elasticity of red blood cells, favoring the transport and delivery of tissue oxygen), leading to enhanced blood flow in microcirculation; (2) increasing the speed of glycolysis in erythrocytes; and (3) the release of substances (adenosine triphosphate, nitric oxide, and prostaglandins) that may contribute to reducing peripheral vascular resistance and increasing oxygen supply to tissues [18, 25, 35, 37, 40, 48-50]. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) diffuses from the plasma into the cellular cytoplasm and serves as the triggering stimulus. Depending on the cell type, various biochemical pathways can be simultaneously activated in red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, leading to a multitude of biological effects [10, 28, 32]. The Impact of Ozone on Erythrocytes. Erythrocytes are the focus of ROS. During erythropoiesis, submicromolar concentrations of LOP positively regulate the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes. Consequently, ozone therapy increases the glycolytic rate by enhancing intracellular adenosine triphosphate production. This approach intensifies erythrocyte generation, yielding metabolically enhanced erythrocytes (super-endowed erythrocytes) capable of more effectively transporting and delivering oxygen to tissues, including ischemic tissues, thereby correcting hypoxia in vascular diseases [7, 12, 25, 27, 28, 39, 48]. Coupled with increased nitric oxide synthase activity, there is a significant increase in nitric oxide, an essential element in maintaining optimal levels of vasodilation and blood perfusion [1, 6, 8, 40]. Ozone therapy, through careful regulation of ozone dosage, stimulates the production of antioxidant enzymes within the system (catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase) while mitigating excessive formation of ROS, thereby reducing chronic oxidative stress [1, 6, 12, 14, 39, 43, 49]. The impact of ozone on leukocytes. Ozone acts as a mild cytokine and serves as a cytokine inducer by lymphocytes and monocytes, thereby enhancing the immune system's activity. This stimulation fosters intercellular matrix synthesis and contributes to the healing process [1, 12, 32, 35, 37, 39]. The Impact of ozone on platelets. Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and other ROS generated through blood ozonation initiate a cascade of enzymatic reactions. These reactions gradually elevate intracellular Ca levels and trigger the release of prostaglandins (F2a and E2), leading to irreversible platelet aggregation. Increased levels of growth factors released from platelets, mobilization of endogenous stem cells, and stimulation of neoangiogenesis promote tissue regeneration, as well as healing of injuries and wounds [27, 49, 51]. Thus, the impact of ozone on oxygen metabolism is explained by how it alters the blood's rheological properties (reversing red blood cell clumping, enhancing the flexibility and elasticity of red blood cells, promoting the transport and delivery of oxygen to tissues). This, in turn, facilitates blood flow in the microcirculation, increases glycolysis in red blood cells, and triggers the production of substances (such as adenosine triphosphate, nitric oxide, and prostaglandins) that help reduce peripheral vascular resistance. Activation of the immune system. Ozone promotes an increase in the production of interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and some cytokines, with interleukin-2 (IL-2) being the primary one, subsequently triggering a whole cascade of immunological reactions [1, 2]. It has been shown that ROS, including H2O2 and LOP generated by ozone therapy, can easily diffuse into plasma cells and activate NF-κB, inducing the production of immunoactive cytokines in normal cells (IL-2, tumor necrosis factor alpha - TNF-a, IL-6 and IFN-γ), thereby enhancing the immune response [9, 13, 14, 26, 32, 40, 44]. Ozone indirectly activates the innate (non-specific) immune system by enhancing phagocytosis and promoting the synthesis of cytokines and interleukins in neutrophils and leukocytes. It also triggers the components of both cellular and humoral immunity [8, 26, 33, 39]. Within mononuclear cells, ozone stimulates immune responses by modulating the NF-kB transcription factor, thereby reactivating the suppressed immune system [27, 28]. Furthermore, ROSs trigger the activation of the immune system, which acts through monocytes and lymphocytes, promoting the production of a variety of cytokines (IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, IFN-β, IFN-γ, TNFα) [6, 49]. Thus, ozone induces mild immune system activation by stimulating neutrophils and initiating the synthesis of certain cytokines that trigger a whole cascade of immunological responses. Bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal action of ozone. Ozone used in vitro acts directly on the membrane of bacterial cells (direct oxidative effect), disrupting and damaging the integrity of bacterial cell membranes, oxidizing phospholipids and lipoproteins, thereby impeding their enzymatic function. Additionally, ozone damages the viral capsids, disturbing their structure and interfering with the virus-cell interaction, leading to disruption in the reproductive cycle. When it comes to fungi, ozone inhibits cell growth by perturbing intracellular homeostasis, resulting from the compromised barrier properties of the plasma membrane [2, 6, 12, 16, 26, 44, 48, 50]. Although ozone is one of the most potent disinfectants, used in various ways, it cannot deactivate any pathogens (bacteria, viruses, and fungi) in vivo. This is because pathogens are well protected, especially within cells, by the cell's powerful antioxidant system. Consequently, ozone acts as a gentle enhancer of the immune system by activating neutrophils and stimulating the synthesis of certain cytokines [1, 10, 19, 22, 28, 39, 46]. The anti-inflammatory effect is revealed in ozone's ability to influence the inflammatory cascade by oxidizing biologically active substances (arachidonic acid and its derivatives - prostaglandins), which participate in the development and sustenance of the inflammatory process. Additionally, ozone significantly reduces the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α) without any signs of toxicity or recorded side effects [8, 26, 30, 31]. These cytokines induce the prostaglandin E2 pathway, which causes pain or increases the sensitivity of nerve roots to other algogenic substances (such as bradykinin) [31]. Severe oxidative stress, triggered by high concentrations of ozone, along with proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α), activate NF-κB, a key regulator of the inflammatory response and muscle atrophy. This contributes to an increased inflammatory response and tissue damage, including the release of other inflammatory factors that enhance the migration of eosinophils and neutrophils [9, 13, 17, 47, 49]. On the contrary, mild oxidative stress induced by precise and small doses of ozone activates Nrf2. The latter indirectly inhibits the pro-inflammatory mechanism driven by the NF-kB pathway. As a result, there is a reduction in NF-κB activity along with a modification in the expression of inflammatory cytokines associated with NF-kB activity. This triggers an anti-inflammatory effect, leading to a decrease in IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, IL-7, and TNFα, as well as an increase in interleukins such as IL-4, IL-10, IL-13, and the transforming growth factor beta – TGF-β [11, 13, 19, 38, 43, 49, 50]. Nrf2 also plays an important role in intracellular inflammatory signaling pathways. Triggering the Nrf2-antioxidant signal can dampen NF-kB activity, leading to the downregulation of the inflammatory response by suppressing essential inflammatory mediators and cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-a) [31, 38, 42, 50]. Moreover, a small amount of H2O2 stimulates the NF-kB pathway, which is typically balanced out by the Nrf2's blocking action, resulting in an immunomodulatory effect [11]. The analgesic effect of ozone is ensured by the oxidation of the byproducts of albuminolysis, known as algopeptides, which act on the nerve endings in the damaged tissue and determine the intensity of the pain response. Additionally, the analgesic effect is attributed to the restoration of the antioxidant system and, subsequently, the reduction of harmful molecular byproducts from lipid peroxidation [26]. Recent preclinical studies have elucidated the role of ROS in hyperalgesia by activating N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors [11]. Following ozone therapy, there has been a demonstrated increase in antioxidant molecules (serotonin and endogenous opioids), which induce pain relief by stimulating antinociceptive pathways [31, 39]. Data from scientific research acknowledge that the mechanisms of action of ozone are due to: (1) a decrease in the production of inflammatory mediators; (2) oxidation (inactivation) of metabolic mediators of pain; (3) improvement of local blood microcirculation leading to improved oxygen delivery to tissues; (4) elimination of toxins and resolution of physiological disorders that generate pain [42, 52]. Therefore, ozone exhibits pleiotropic properties, extending beyond its exclusive role as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, or immunomodulatory one. It also encompasses the capacity to employ ROS as a signaling molecule rather than merely as intracellular toxic substances. In existing experimental models and clinical studies, the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, regenerative and immunomodulatory effects of ozone therapy have been associated with several molecular mechanisms, the main ones being the NF-kB/Nrf2 balance and IL-6 and IL-1β expression. NF-kB and Nrf2 are the most studied and important transcription factors and regulatory proteins that control the expression of a wide range of genes, encoding proteins involved in a multitude of vital biological functions, including those associated with redox status, immunity, and inflammatory responses. Additionally, indirectly through these pathways, LOP initiates the HIF-1α, HO-1, and NO/iNOS pathways. The main pharmacological effects of medical ozone through ozone-produced peroxides are as follows: (1) increased oxygen release by erythrocytes due to activated metabolism; (2) immunomodulation due to leukocyte activation; and (3) regulation of cellular antioxidants via Nrf2 signaling. Ozone therapy can elicit the following biological reactions: (a) improved blood circulation and oxygen delivery to ischemic tissue; (b) optimization of overall metabolism by improving oxygen delivery; (c) regulation of cellular antioxidant enzymes and induction of HO-1; (d) triggering a mild immune system activation and intensified release of growth factors; (e) providing a state of well-being in most patients, probably due to stimulation of the neuroendocrine system. Conclusions 1. Ozone induces both mild and moderate oxidative stress. When appropriately balanced, this stress poses no harm; instead, it can initiate several beneficial biochemical mechanisms. These mechanisms, in turn, reactivate the intracellular and extracellular antioxidant systems, effectively countering long-term oxidative stress in various inflammatory and degenerative processes, etc. Cells throughout the body receive small and gradual bursts of lipid oxidation products, important late and long-term messengers that are responsible for activating antioxidant enzymes in many cell types to rebalance the oxidant/antioxidant system. 2. The impact of ozone on oxygen metabolism is explained by changes in the blood's rheological properties. This involves reversing red blood cell aggregation, enhancing the flexibility and elasticity of hemoglobin, and promoting the efficient transport and delivery of oxygen to tissues. This process also facilitates blood flow within microcirculation, speeds up glycolysis within red blood cells, and triggers the release of substances like adenosine triphosphate, nitric oxide, and prostaglandins, which help to reduce peripheral vascular resistance. 3. Ozone triggers a slight activation of the immune system by up-regulating and activating neutrophils and promoting the synthesis of cytokines (IL-2, TNF-a, IL-6, and IFN-γ), setting off a chain reaction of immune responses. 4. Ozone therapy induces the following biological responses: enhanced blood circulation and oxygen delivery to ischemic tissue, regulation of cellular antioxidant enzymes, mild immune system activation, and intensified release of growth factors. 5. Ozone is an inherently toxic gas that should never be inhaled, cannot be stored, and must be handled with caution. Generally, no toxic effects were reported, and only the respiratory tract was found to be highly sensitive to inhaled ozone since the respiratory mucosal cells contain a minimal amount of antioxidants and are extremely susceptible to oxidation. 6. Although ozone ranks among the most potent disinfectants, being employed in various ways, it cannot neutralize any pathogens (bacteria, viruses, and fungi) in vivo, since pathogens are effectively shielded by the strong blood and cellular antioxidant system. Furthermore, elevated ozone concentrations induce severe oxidative stress, prompting increased inflammatory responses and tissue damage. Competing interests None declared. Authors’ contribution NC and RB conceived the study, participated in the study design and assisted in drafting the manuscript. SȘ and IC performed the analysis and data interpretation. IG drafted the manuscript. SC conceived the significant revision of the manuscript and provided significant intellectual involvement. 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Review The role of the lateral pterygoid muscle in temporomandibular disorders
Vitalie Pântea1*, Felicia Tabără1, Mariana Ceban1, Veronica Burduja1, Lilian Nistor2, Olga Ursu3
The clinical concept that would argue that the activity of the lateral pterygoid muscle, being disturbed, would play an important role as an etiological factor in temporomandibular joint dysfunctions is still widely accepted, being also a decisive factor in the correct choice of the treatment plan. However, because of the fact that very few research and clear evidence were conducted and presented to support completely that concept, it continues to remain a very controversial one.
Case study Laser ureteroscopic endopyelotomy efficacy in pyeloureteral junction stenosis
Vladimir Caraion1*, Eduard Pleșca2, Andrei Mezu2, Corneliu Maximciuc2
Pyeloureteral junction stenosis (PUJS) is a condition that affects urinary drainage at level of the renal pelvis and upper ureter. It is found in approximately 1 in 500 newborns, with a higher prevalence in males (2:1 ratio). PUJS is the main cause of congenital hydronephrosis and can also be caused by other specific pathologies. Endoscopic management is the primary treatment for PUJS, particularly in cases of aperistaltic and <2cm intrinsic ureteral stenosis without aberrant vessels.