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The influence of diabetes mellitus on blood vessels amount in case of breast cancer
Ecaterina Foca1*, Dumitru Brinza2, Elena Portnoi2, Ecaterina Carpenco1, Valeriu David1, Lilian Saptefrati1, Veaceslav Fulga1
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in females worldwide. There are evidences that women with diabetes mellitus have a 40% higher risk of mortality. CD34 is a cell surface glycoprotein, which functions as a cell-cell adhesion factor. Although its expression is traditionally related to hematopoietic cells, it is actually found on many other types of cells, endothelial too. Nowadays there are evidences that CD34 is a prognostic indicator by emphasizing its low expression in malignant tumors compared to benign ones. The aim of study was to determine the presence and numerical distribution of CD34+ vessels in the normal mammary gland, as well as in NST breast carcinomas, with and without diabetes mellitus type 2.
Idiopathic hypertrophic osteoarthropathy misdiagnosed as juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Case study.
Marinela Homițchi*1, Serghei Popa1, Lucia Dutca1, Svetlana Agachi1, Valeriu Corotaș2
Pachydermoperiostosis (or primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy) is a rare genetic disease that usually begins in childhood or adolescence, is characterized by certain clinical signs (pachydermia, periostosis, drum sticks) that gradually progress over many years until the disease stabilizes. Currently, there are 2 genes in which mutations are associated with the development of pachydermoperiostosis - HPGD and SLCO2A1. The functions of these genes are not fully understood, but their influence on the metabolism of prostaglandin E2 is known.
Delayed successful interbody fusion after initially failed midline lumbar interbody fusion spinal arthrodesis in a patient with degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis and severe osteoporosis
Serghei Borodin1,2
Dual x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan has been the gold standard for assessing bone mineral density prior to spinal instrumentation surgery. DEXA scans, on the other hand, can produce falsely elevated measurements in patients with severe degenerative changes, compression fractures, and aortic calcification, which can lead to incorrect patient selection and failed interbody fusion.
Lateral sinus floor elevation with simultaneous mucosal cysts management
Alexandr Mighic*, Dumitru Sîrbu, Andrei Mostovei, Ion Dabija
Specialists in the field often face uncertainty in deciding whether to perform sinus lifting surgery in the presence of a mucosal cyst during the pre-implantation preparation of patients with maxillary sinus pathology. While some specialists believe that the sinus lifting operation cannot be performed in the presence of sinus pathology and should be resorted to after a long period of healing, others believe that it can be performed in the presence of sinus pathology or simultaneously with sinus sanitation. As a result, there are more controversies about the treatment tactics, stages, and timing required to achieve the rehabilitation of these patients, demonstrating the significance of the problem at hand.
Characteristics of morphological changes in the skin of patients with allergodermatoses during long-term external application of fluorined steroids
Yanina Kutasevych1, Mykola Lyapunov2, Iryna Ziuban*1, Iryna Mashtakova1
The article presents the results of studies of the effect of applying topical fluorinated glucocorticosteroids in combination with ceramides on the barrier function of the skin of experimental animals with allergic dermatoses (guinea pigs).
The joint ultrasound markers in the early diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis
Eugeniu Russu1, Adelina Sîrbu1*, Liudmila Gonța3, Marinela Homițchi1, Valeria Stog1
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is one of the most important diseases of great medical and social importance, due to its progressive and significant takeover, which can lead to early disability. The prevalence of psoriatic arthritis is evidenced in the age range of 20-50 years, and both sexes are equally affected. PsA usually has a violent progression with osteo-articular mutilation.
Preterm birth prediction in pregnant women over than 35 years. Observational analytical cohort study
Premature birth can occur at any age; however, it is important to note that the risk of preterm birth can vary based on several factors, including the mother's medical history, general health, and lifestyle. There is thought to be a relationship between maternal age and the risk of preterm birth, although the exact nature of this relationship may vary. At the same time, it is considered for ages over 35, an increased risk factor for the evolution of pregnancies with complications. Pregnant women over 35 face a higher risk of premature birth. This increased risk may be associated with age-related factors such as underlying health conditions, higher rates of multiple pregnancies (due to fertility treatments), and potential placental dysfunction.
Computed tomography findings of abdominal textiloma
Serghei Guţu1*, Irina Cuţitari2, Olga Gurschi3, Diana Zagadailov4, Iuvenalii Cosulinschi5, Igor Donţu6
The unintentional leaving of gauze sponges in the abdomen after laparotomy is a rare but serious medical error. The diagnosis of a textile foreign body can be challenging due to its rarity, potential long-term asymptomatic evolution, and nonspecific imaging findings that may be unfamiliar to radiologists.