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Harmfulness of prooxidants in bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm children
Mariana Ceahlău1*, Rodica Selevestru1,2, Olga Tagadiuc3, Svetlana Șciuca1,2
Oxidative stress can be defined as the imbalance of the redox state of a certain system including living one (organelle, cell, organ/tissue), which excessively produces reactive oxygen and/or reactive nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) that exceed the capacity of the antioxidant defense system, which have the ability to slow down or even prevent the oxidative damage of macromolecules. Oxidative stress is a pathogenic mechanism of a large variety of diseases, including pulmonary one.
The profile of villous chorion vascularization in primary placental insufficiency
Valeriu David1,2*, Vergil Petrovici2,3, Lilia Sinițîna2,4, Ecaterina Carpenco1,2, Ecaterina Foca1,2, Veaceslav Fulga1,2, Lilian Șaptefrați1,2
Placentation and autochthonous vascularization during the early period of intrauterine development in primary placental insufficiency are important stages in the establishment of embryo-haemochorial circulation. Vascular and angiogenesis dysfunctions in the early period of gestation are essential in the development of changes in placental vascular status with severe repercussions on pregnancy outcome in the first trimester of gestation.
Humoral immune status in patients with parasitic arthritis
Maia Grosu1*, Liliana Groppa1, Gheorghe Plăcintă2
The description of clinical manifestations of parasitic infestation includes joint damage manifested by arthralgia and arthritis, however, until today; the form of joint damage in parasitic infections is not clinically defined. The multitude of parasites creates a heterogeneous joint involvement, and the intensifying of specific manifestations would be an important premise in clinical diagnosis.
Model predicting the onset of antiepileptic drug resistance in women of reproductive age with epilepsy: analytical study
Victoria Duca1,2*, Mihail Gavriliuc1
In attempt to find an answer regarding the possible scenarios of epilepsy evolution in women of reproductive age (e.g. worsening, remission, antiepileptic drug resistance, status epilepticus occurence), preferably - objective, based on simple, replicable, observable indicators that can be included in a mathematical probability estimation model, could significantly improve their quality of life and increase the effectiveness of prescribed treatments.
Endogenous hepatic toxicity and oxidative stress in the complications of gallstones associated with cholestatic jaundice
Liuba Streltov1*, Valentin Gudumac2, Gheorghe Rojnoveanu1
Cholestatic jaundice installed in gallstones is considered a multifactorial pathogenetic process. The correlation of endogenous hepatic intoxication with the reaction of the pro- and antioxidant system, characteristic of various complications of gallstones associated with cholestatic jaundice, remains an undefined subject.
Protective effect of arginine glutamate (glutargin) in chronic pancreatitis induced by nitric oxide synthase blocker
Olena Krylova1*, Anatoliy Rudenko2
Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous molecule that is a biological mediator that carries out important regulation of physiological processes necessary for the functioning of tissues. We hypothesized that nonspecific inhibition of all isoforms of NOs would cause pancreatic damage and created a model of experimental pancreatitis based on NOs inhibition. Along with the study of the mechanisms of development of chronic pancreatitis, the search for medicines to treat and inhibit the progression of this disease continues.
Scrutinizing prognostic scores' effectiveness in non-Hodgkin's lymphomas with primary lymph node involvement
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) encompasses a diverse group of malignancies arising from malignant proliferation of lymphocytes, each subtype characterized by unique epidemiological, etiological, and clinical features. Prognostication is essential for guiding treatment decisions and improving patient outcomes. Prognostic scores, including traditional and molecular systems, offe insights into survival prediction. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the applicability of traditional prognostic scores barsed on clinical markers and laboratory biomarkers in predicting the outcomes of patients with primary nodal NHL.